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What we offer


What can be achieved by changing your heart rate variability?

  •  Increased energy levels

  •  Improved performance in all aspects of your life - work, sports and family life

  •  Improved health and wellbeing

  •  Sustainable long term health

  •  Take back control of your life, reactions and improve your understanding of your choices

  •  Ensure everyday life has a positive impact on you and your body


A survey of 1200 patients with cancer and their close friends and family showed that more than 80% thought that Doctors should give patients with cancer advice on eating habits, weight loss and exercise. Doctors often don't give such advice for fear of seeming insensitive or to avoid implying blame when trying to cope with the stress of diagnosis or treatment. (Published in BMJ 16 February 2013 - extracted from British Journal of Cancer).

Dr Saintey has first hand experience of this as a patient enabling her to see both sides. These experiences triggered her to make further studes into these areas.


Sustainable change is hard to achieve and having a coach gives you support, someone to whom you are accountable and someone to stretch you to achieve that little bit more. Coaching works with what you are striving to achieve and builds a pathway to facilitate that change in manageable steps. Coaching is focused on moving you forward and achieving solutions.

Sounds so simple and we do recognise that all this takes practice. As you progress you will see how your energy levels increase and how the quality of your decision making improves. You will be better equipped to meet your day head on.

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